Each April, the brilliance that is Baconfest comes to Chicago, and the 2012 date has just been announced.
April 14, 2012.
It's my birthday.
Not just near my birthday. The very day.
It's a gift from the bacon wizards.
(I originally said "bacon fairies", but somehow "fairies" doesn't really seem to fit the Baconfest Triumvirate. "Elves" wasn't quite right either.)
At least I hope so. I'm begging and pleading. (Literally. I've written them a begging and pleading email.)
You see, I tried to go last year (when it was the Saturday before my birthday). I was on the mailing list for tickets and everything. And they were making tickets available to the mailing list before the general public.
I set an alarm in my calendar at work to watch for the email with the link that morning.
I got the email and clicked the link about 7 minutes after the special release.
And they were sold out.
So I did it all again a few hours later for the ticket release to the general public, only this time, I got there around 3 minutes after release.
And they were sold out.
And tickets were not to be had. (The Triumvirate did a great job setting it up so that scalping wasn't possible.)
I did not spend the Saturday before my birthday with over 50 bacon vendors and over 52 chefs crafting their (and my) bacon dreams.
And now we come to this year. It's on my birthday!!!!
So if anybody out there knows the Triumvirate, please beg them to help me get tickets this year! Please!?!?
(The text in the video is from The Bacon Manifesto, a bit of culinary brilliance from the Triumvirate.)